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My Services

I offer a safe, confidential space where you can think and talk about yourself and those things that are troubling you and perhaps stopping you from getting the most out of life.I give you an opportunity to think and talk about your concerns in a way that is not always possible with family and friends. 


Just as we can heal physically we can also heal emotionally.  I will not make judgements about you or how you live your life. I will listen to how you are feeling and support you to make the changes you would like to happen.

As counsellors we do not ‘have all the answers’.  I believe that everyone (no matter how confused or upset they may currently be feeling) holds their own solutions to their problems within themselves.  In other words, you are the best person to know what is right for your life . Part of my job as a counsellor is to help you identify your own personal strengths and resources and work out how you can best use them in your current situation. 

During your therapy and after approximately every six sessions you will be invited to review your progress.  I really want to help you and would want to hear your feedback (negative or positive) so that we can both be confident that you are going in the right direction and your counselling is being effective.


Rewind Technique

The Fast Trauma and Phobia Treatment, also known as The Rewind Technique (as taught by the Human Givens College) is an extremely effective and safe therapeutic method for removing trauma.  It can also be used for phobias.  It should only be used by experienced practitioners who have been formally trained. 


Certain methods of treating trauma - those which encourage the reliving of the trauma - often serve to make matters worse.  When someone suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is asked to recall the trauma, they can go so fully back into it that it feels like they are reliving it in the present.  This embeds the memory more deeply and makes progress difficult.  In contrast, The Rewind Technique keeps the person focused in the present which allows the rational part of the brain to reframe the memory as a past event and put it into a more realistic perspective.


The rewind technique is only carried out once the person is guided into a state of deep relaxation.  Once fully rested and relaxed, they will be asked to bring their distressing memory to mind.  (This means that there is no need to  talk about what happened if they do not wish to.) They are then calmed down and asked to imagine a place where they feel comfortable and secure.  In their special place they are to imagine that there is a TV screen and remote control.


They are then asked to imagine floating out of their body to the side, where they can watch themselves, watching the screen without actually seeing what is on the screen (double disassociation).  They watch themselves watching a 'film' of the event that is still troubling them.  The film begins at a point before the event happened and ends at a point once the trauma is over and they feel safe again.


They are then asked to imagine floating back into their body and experience themselves going through the trauma in reverse, from safe point to safe point, as though they were a character in a film being rewound. They then watch the same images, as if on a TV screen while pressing the fast forward button on the remote control (disassociation).  This is repeated back and forward as many times as needed until the scene evokes no emotion.


If the feared circumstance is one that will be encountered again in the future - for example, flying or using a lift - the person will be asked, while still relaxed, to see themselves doing it with confidence.


Further information can be found here:




Human Givens The new approach to emotional health and clear thinking (2013) Authored by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell; pp319 -349


"Human Givens Journal" Volume 9 - No. 4: 2003


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